Why copywriting training is the best investment you can make for your business
Full disclaimer: I sell copywriting training so I have a vested interest in promoting copywriting courses.
BUT I do genuinely belive that copywriting training is a fantastic investment for any business and (hopefully) this article will show you why.
First, though, I want to dispel a common myth: Copywriting is not about writing.
It’s a common misconception that being good at copywriting is all about understanding grammar rules, being good at spelling, and debating whether to use the Oxford comma.
It’s not.
Of course there is a writing element involved, but copywriting is more about selling and psychology than sentence structure and fancy words.
So if you think copywriting isn’t for you because you’re “not very good at writing”, then it’s time to think again.
You don’t need a masters in English (or any language) to master copywriting.
So now we’ve cleared that up, let’s look at what copywriting actually is and why upskilling yourself or your team should be a no-brainer.
What is copywriting?
In the simplest terms ‘copy’ is the words part of any advertising, marketing, or sales materials.
These materials can include websites, blog posts, video scripts, emails, social media posts, brochures, direct mail, flyers, signage, sales packs, online ads, press ads, posters – the list goes on.
Some writers and marketers differentiate between copy and content – content is more educational and informative and copy is more sales-focused.
Personally, I use the terms interchangeably because the end goal of any marketing copy or content is to get readers to think, feel or do something that will move them closer to wanting to do business with you. How long this process takes will depend on several factors and the type of content or copy you use will vary.
The important thing is understanding the basics of copywriting so you can tailor your approach to the type of copy and the audience.
Why should business owners care about copy?
So many businesses underestimate the importance of good copy. They invest a fortune in training their sales team on how to cold call effectively. Or they blow their marketing budget on building a fancy website or exhibiting at prestigious events. But then they let themselves down with horrible outreach messages, badly worded follow-ups, boring sales packs, a website that leaves visitors confused, or social media posts that undo all the hard work they’ve put in elsewhere.
You might think your copy isn’t important, but it can make the difference between landing an amazing client or putting a prospect off working with you forever.
Good copy will support your sales and networking efforts
I cannot tell you how many companies let themselves down with poorly executed follow-ups or inconsistency in the way they present themselves.
Imagine meeting someone at a networking event. They are likeable, interesting, and (most importantly) they offer something that could really benefit you. You decide they’re someone you might want to do business with.
But then you check out their social media pages or their website and the content isn’t consistent with what they’ve told you. You start to doubt whether they even offer what you thought they offered or whether they are the right fit. And their follow-up email to you is a generic sales email listing loads of irrelevant features of working with them.
You start to think that maybe they weren’t as good as you thought they were. Maybe their company isn’t a company you want to do business with after all.
And this is why good copy is important. You could undo all the hard work you or your sales team have done through cold calls, networking, or pitching for business by not backing it all up with a good online presence or decent marketing materials.
You might make a fantastic impression face-to-face, but you could leave people thinking you’re all talk when your marketing materials don’t match up with what you said.
Good copy makes closing sales easier
Your marketing copy can do a lot of the legwork when it comes to selling. You can attract your ideal customers, show them how you can add value, answer all their questions, address any concerns and get them to the point where they are confident you are the right fit for them.
I’ll give you a couple of examples.
Example one: A call booking dropped into my calendar from a marketing manager at a company in the US. She’d ben looking for copywriting training for her team, had come across my Write to Sell training, read the sales page and booked a call. We chatted for 15 minutes and then exchanged two follow-up emails. Two days later, she’d booked a date and paid the invoice in full. I didn’t need to give her the hard sell or spend hours convincing her to buy from me because my copy had done the hard work. All I needed to do was nudge her over the line.
Example two: A guy saw a post I put on social media and decided to follow me. He saw another post about my free email series so he signed up. He decided he wanted to do my 12-week copywriting programme, so he dropped me a message. I replied and he booked and paid for an initial consultation call. Following that he signed up to my 12-week programme. My social media posts and emails had done the hard work of building trust, establishing my expertise and credibility, and showing him how I could help.
And this is why copywriting is such a useful skill. You can save yourself so much time and effort by attracting the right people to you and getting them primed to buy. No need to jump on dozens of free sales calls that never lead anywhere or pitch for business you’ve got no chance of winning. Let your marketing content and sales copy do the hard work for you. It makes the whole process better for you and for your customers.
Get greater clarity over marketing strategy
So many people “do marketing” without really understanding why they are doing the things they are doing. For example, they share posts on social media without any real purpose behind them. They opt or the spray-and-pray approach.
That’s why one of the things I cover in my copywriting training is the customer journey – the marketing and sales process people go through.
Understanding this process enables you to create copy with a purpose in mind.
- Who is this copy for?
- What is its purpose?
- What do you want people to do, think or feel after reading it?
Essentially, I get you or your team thinking about the bigger picture.
For example, rather than just sticking random posts on social media each day without any thought, you start posting with purpose in mind – for example, to increase reach, attract new followers, showcase your expertise, promote a specific product or service, build trust, establish your credibility and so on.
Feel more confident in your marketing
A big barrier to content creation and marketing is confidence.
I’ve been delivering copywriting training since 2017 and some of the things I hear over and over are:
- “I’m not very good at writing”
- “I’m not very creative”
- “I don’t know what to write about”
- “I don’t want to sound too salesy”
- “Everything I write sounds a bit rubbish”
- “It’s all a bit cringe”
- “I feel like a fraud”
- “I don’t know enough about the subject”
That last one mostly comes from employees who don’t feel like they have enough industry experience or product knowledge to write marketing copy.
But all of the above comments come down to a lack of confidence.
And that lack of confidence can be reduced if you address the lack of skill.
Copywriting is a skill. And it’s a skill that can be taught.
If you understand the theory behind writing good copy and approach copywriting with a purpose in mind, you feel more confident about doing it. And, as with most skills, the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the better you get at doing it.
Ensure consistency in marketing messages
If you have several team members contributing to your company copy, it can be hard to get consistency. Copywriting training can help you get teams working more cohesively.
But it’s not just teams that suffer from inconsistency. Even if you are solely responsible for marketing, there can still be inconsistency in your marketing.
This will happen when you don’t really have clarity or direction. You end up trying to appeal to too many different audiences, your messaging is all over the place, and all your marketing activity is siloed rather than being connected.
Copywriting training will help you understand how to develop a consistent voice and create a more joined-up marketing journey for your customer.
Attract your ideal clients
The whole point of any marketing content or sales copy is to attract more of your ideal clients.
Of course not everyone who is a good fit will go on to work with you, but the better you get at attracting the right audience, the more of your ideal clients you’ll generate.
That’s why trying to appeal to everyone doesn’t work. Your messaging becomes confusing and potential clients don’t feel completely confident about whether you can help them or not.
When you understand how to write for your ideal clients, you can form a connection with them. You show them you understand them. You make them feel confident in you. You increase the chances of getting them to the next stage in the sales journey.
You also start to repel the wrong kind of people. And that’s a good thing because it means you spend less time dealing with people you can’t help or don’t want to help.
Better customer retention
People often focus on attracting new clients, but good marketing is about customer retention too.
The way we market to existing or past clients is different to how we market to new audiences. You have already established a level of trust and credibility (or at least you should have if you delivered what you promised) so there’s less work to do in that area. And you already know they are the right fit so you can focus on strengthening the relationship through your content or sales copy.
Copywriting training can help you improve your ability to retain customers, upsell, and cross-sell.
Who will benefit from copywriting training?
A common mistake I see when it comes to marketing training is people focusing on one platform. For example, they might bring someone in to teach their team how to use Facebook or pay someone to help them build a LinkedIn following.
Unfortunately, a lot of this training focuses on how to use a specific platform in terms of optimising your profile, getting engagement and building followers, using paid features and so on.
It doesn’t always cover the bigger picture – how will you fit that platform into your wider marketing and sales process? How will you convert followers into paying customers? How will you use the platform to generate leads?
Copywriting is a transferable skill that can be applied to almost any marketing platform. So whether you use social media, email marketing, direct mail, paid ads or a combination of all of them, you’ll have the skills to move people from having never heard of you to wanting to buy from you.
Freelancers and business owners
If you are a one-person business or you do all the marketing and sales for your business, then copywriting is the best marketing skill you can learn. It’ll give you the skills and confidence to market yourself on whichever platforms you choose. Plus, when you work with me one-on-one, I help you create sustainable marketing strategies that play to your strengths.

Individuals doing marketing as part of a wider role
I often see “marketing” getting passed off to office-based staff to manage alongside their day-to-day role. The problem is they don’t always approach it with a strategy so they just stick posts on social media now and then and write the odd blog post when they have time. If you’re going to make someone responsible for marketing, I can give them some basic skills so they can maximise the time they dedicate to marketing.

Solo or junior marketers
Marketing is a pretty broad industry – covering everything from consumer research to customer retention. Even if you focus solely on marketing activity, there are loads of avenues you can go down – SEO, PPC, email, social media, video, blogs, direct mail, website, brochures, lead magnets, white papers, surveys, press ads, advertorials and so on and so on.
It’s a lot for one person to manage and it can be overwhelming. It’s also easy to head down the wrong track if you have nobody to sense-check your ideas. And that’s where I come in. I can provide copywriting training and marketing mentoring to help give junior and solo marketers the support and guidance they need.

Small teams
Do you have a small team where everyone pitches in with everything? That’s great – I love those types of businesses. And I can help your team get on the same page with marketing so that you attract more of the clients you want. You’ll get greater consistency across all your marketing channels – from the posts going out on social media, to the email replies you’re sending in response to enquiries, to the updates on your website, to the sales materials you’re dishing out at events.

Marketing or sales teams
Over the years, I’ve delivered training to all kinds of marketing and sales teams – from web design and marketing agencies to universities, B2B and B2C companies. I’ve even delivered copywriting training to inmates in a prison. My favourite part is seeing teams get excited about sales and marketing again when it’s clear things have become a little bit stale.

What does copywriting training involve?
There are hundreds of copywriting courses on offer so I can’t speak for all of them. I can, however, tell you what you get when you purchase one of my courses, work with me one-on-one, or bring me in to deliver training for your team.
Free copywriting course
Let’s start with my freebie course. It’s a series of 14 emails covering some marketing basics. It’s not as in-depth as my paid courses, but it will give you some tips and techniques to get you started.

Online copywriting course
My Write to Sell course is a self-paced video course based that is broken down into four parts. Part one covers the copywriting fundamentals and the key considerations for planning your content. Part two focuses on writing your content – how will you ensure your copy inspires action? Part three is all about editing and perfecting your copy to ensure it gets maximum results. And the final part covers writing for specific channels, including websites, social media, blogs and email.
Part One
- Copywriting fundamentals
- The 5 stages of copywriting
- Building your brief
- Understanding your customer
Part Two
- General writing tips
- Getting readers on board
- Copywriting formulas
- Hooks, headlines and openers
- Your call to action
Part Three
- Perfecting your copy
- General editing tips
- Proofreading
- Publishing your copy
Part Four
- Sales funnels
- Social media
- Websites and landing pages
- Brilliant blogs
- Engaging email
Each part includes short video lessons that will teach you valuable copywriting skills. You’ll then be given a series of tasks to complete so you can put the learning into practice. The course comes with a free printed workbook (UK customers only) where you can complete the tasks and keep your notes. Plus, you get lifetime access and email support. You can also send me any questions you have as you work through the content.
All this for only £249 (inc vat). Find out more and sign up here.
One-to-one copywriting training
If you’d prefer one-to-one training that is completely tailored to you and your business, then I have a range of options ranging from one-off sessions to ongoing mentoring and support. These are ideal for freelancers, small business owners, or individuals in charge of the marketing for your company.
90-minute sessions: I’ve been offering 90-minute ‘Borrow my Brain’ sessions since the start of 2020 and have covered all kinds of things. These can be used to review existing copy, work on new copy, get training on a specific element of copywriting or ideas generation. We can go broad on a couple of things or go deep on one thing – it’s your time so what we cover is up to you. And you can book these sessions as and when you need them for just £180 (inc vat). Book here.
3-hour sessions: I recently launched my 3-hour social media strategy sessions. These cover everything from how to incorporate social media into your wider marketing and sales process, developing a content strategy with ideas for content, and how to write promotional posts. But these sessions don’t have to be limited to social media. They can be used for in-depth training on certain elements of copywriting or writing for specific channels. They can even be used to plan and draft copy for a website, lead magnet, e-book or something else. You can book your session here for £360 (inc vat).
12-week programme: I’ve been running my 12-week programme since the end of 2021 and I’m super proud of the results I’ve helped my clients achieve. The programme is tailored to your business, but it involves a combination of teaching and mentoring, theory and application, learning and doing. It includes weekly calls, unlimited WhatsApp or email support, access to both my online courses and unlimited copy reviews during our time together. You can find out more about my 12-week programme here.
Ongoing mentoring: After completing my 12-week programme, some clients like to continue with the mentoring. They like having the accountability and someone to bounce new ideas off. Calls are reduced to once a fortnight or once a month depending on what we feel is required.
Copywriting training for teams
Write to Sell has been running since 2017 and has been delivered online and in-person to individuals and teams in a wide range of sectors and roles. It’s an interactive course with plenty of discussion points, opportunities for questions and practical tasks to help your team put the learning into practice as we go.
I will deliver this in person anywhere in the UK and it can be delivered as one full-day or two half-day workshops. I’ll cover some core elements and then go in-depth on the areas most relevant to your business with content tailored to your sector.
I find this course works best when delivered in person, but I can also deliver it via Zoom if it suits your team better (or you are located outside the UK and don’t want to cover my travel.
You can find out more about my team training here or book a 15-minute call to discuss your requirement here.
Workshops, talks and podcasts
If you run events and would like me to do a short workshop, presentation, or talk about copywriting or content marketing, get in touch. I’ve spoken to groups of all sizes online and in person and can speak on a range of topics. Alternatively, if you host a podcast and would like me to join you as a guest, let me know. I’d be happy to share my expertise. You can email lisa@makeyourcopycount.com or message me via LinkedIn or Facebook.